Stage Manager / Crew

Date Posted: 2020-02-12 10:55:00

Pay: $500 800 flat fee

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Job Description

Pay summary: Flat fee for 10 rehearsals, 19 shows, 2 days strike; amount commensurate with experience.,
Bristol Renaissance Faire - Venue is 30 acres of 16th century style interactive theatrical environment. 20+ performance areas, shopping, food - big, busy, insane, and FUN to crew!,
"Youll be working with hundreds of performers - jousters, musicians, acrobats, dancers, stunt actors, and more; looking after stages and assisting performers; helping to ensure that things are running safely, smoothly, and on time. (Fresh air, fantastic working environment, and eradication of your pasty complexion thrown in for free.)",
SM team, looking to fill in a few gaps in the roster. We do it all: set-up, stage management (including audio, if stationed at Joust or main stages), strike.,
~31 days involved (weekends), between June-September, 2020,
Note: This is a JOB POSTING, but can be set up as an internship for college credit if your school has an applicable program.,
For more info, see our current facebook post:,
E-mail today to claim a time slot!,


Job Benefits

None provided other than pay


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